Welcome Tufted Titmouse

A tufted titmouse couple has built a moss nest on the top of our porch light.  The mother, now known as Tufty, sits on her eggs as long as she can until we disturb her when we walk by or when Kobe barks.

Tufted Titmouse
So we’ve taken to using the side door as much as possible – seems like they will be here for around a month – the nest is really different from most bird nests – this one is made of moss and lined with grass, hay and even fur when it can be found.
Moss nest

We couldn’t get a good photo, but here’s a picture of a tufted titmouse and a typical nest. They usually lay between 6 and 8 eggs that are white with brown speckles. Welcome to Long Hope Valley – Tufty and family.